Is Your Success Holding You Back? – Your Champions Brew

Your behavior today is the latest deposit in your credibility

Happy Friday, Brew Nation!

Grab your favorite coffee cup and get ready to embark on a transformative journey. The Champions Brew Newsletter is here to invigorate your mornings and ignite your drive for personal growth and impact!  Fuel your mornings with motivation and purpose. As you savor your first cup of the day, let the Champions Brew infuse you with the insights and strategies you need to make each day a stepping stone towards your aspirations. Let’s Go!

  • Uncommon Leader Insights –Throughout our personal and professional lives, we often encounter challenges that test our resolve and mindset. My recent podcast interview with Alexis Rankin on The Uncommon Leader Podcast brought to light some profound insights. Reflect on whether you resonate with the following key takeaways from our conversation:
    • Mindset Matters: Alexis emphasized the critical role mindset plays in achieving success. Growing up with a real estate background, she recognized early on the impact of a scarcity mindset and overcame it to adopt an abundance mindset. This shift changed her entire approach to business and life, underscoring the importance of continually challenging and reframing our limiting beliefs.
    • Intentionality Matters: One of the most compelling points Alexis shared is the concept of building a life by design—starting and ending with “why.” Her journey teaches us that our professional choices should align with our personal values and aspirations. Alexis’ tale of working 75-hour weeks only to reset boundaries and expectations serves as a powerful reminder that our time is valuable and should be spent intentionally. By prioritizing flexibility and freedom, we can design a life that aligns with our deeper “why.”
    • Delegation Matters: Alexis illuminated the power of delegation to free ourselves from non-essential tasks, enabling us to focus on what truly matters. Her strategy of creating a “missing person’s report” to identify tasks that can be delegated is genius. It underscores that leveraging others’ strengths allows us to maximize our efficiency and effectiveness. Alexis’ clients have transformed their careers by implementing her delegation methods, achieving impressive results like skyrocketing sales while significantly reducing their work hours.

By focusing on these key areas, we can propel ourselves towards greater success and fulfillment. As Alexis eloquently put it, “It’s never too late to start over.” Embrace these lessons and take your first step towards a more abundant and purpose-driven life.

You can also catch the entire conversation I had with Alexis here.  While you are there, go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube page so that you can receive new episodes when they come out each week. 

Are you aware that The Champions Brew explores various topics that I frequently coach and consult on with other leaders and organizations? If you or someone you know is seeking to elevate their business or personal life from underperforming to uncommon, I would love to connect with you and discuss 1:1 or group coaching, as well as performance consulting. In fact, click the following link to schedule a FREE CALL to explore how coaching could benefit you and your team. Let’s work together to unleash your full potential and achieve your goals

  • Exercise Daily –  If you want to have a flourishing vegetable  garden, you need to tend to it every day.  Those daily habits are the water and sunlight that nourish your growth and with consistent care, your garden will flourish.  Leadership growth works the same way. 

Inspired by Maxwell Leadership’s “Power of 5” concept I heard in a recent podcast, I’ve identified five daily habits that fuel my progress towards my goals. These habits might seem simple, but don’t mistake simple with easy.

  1. Define Your Direction: Start by clearly defining your goals. Without a clear target, it’s impossible to hit the bullseye.
  2. Seek Guidance: Learn from those who have walked the path before you. Read books, listen to podcasts, or seek mentorship.
  3. Take Action: Don’t let procrastination hold you back. Take daily steps towards your goals, no matter how small.
  4. Reflect and Refine: Regularly assess your progress and make adjustments as needed. Learning from your experiences is key to growth.
  5. Be Disciplined: Success requires consistency. Prioritize your goals and schedule time for daily action.

The “Ideal Week” Spreadsheet is a tool that I use to visualize my ideal week, breaking down tasks into daily and weekly actions. This helps me stay organized and focused.  If you are interested in learning more about this tool, please DM me or drop a comment on the blog with the words IDEAL WEEK and I will be sure to get you a FREE copy of that powerful tool!

You don’t have to work all day, but you do have to work EVERY day

  • Read More Amidst the current presidential election campaign, have you noticed a shortage of Uncommon leadership? I’ve found myself aching for the kind of “High Road Leadership” advocated by John Maxwell in his timely book, “High Road Leadership – Bringing People Together in a World That Divides.” Maxwell’s premise is simple: by choosing the less traveled path of high-road leadership, you’ll create a more unified community.”

In the book, Maxwell outlines twelve ‘practices’ of high road leaders:

  1. Bring People Together
    1. Value All People
    1. Acknowledge Your Humanness
    1. Do the Right Things for the Right Reasons
    1. Give More Than You Take
    1. Develop Emotional Capacity
    1. Place People Above Your Own Agenda
    1. Embrace Authenticity
    1. Be Accountable for Your Actions
    1. Live by the Bigger Picture
    1. Don’t Keep Score
    1. Desire the Best for Others

Here are a few of my specific takeaways from the book that I highlighted:

  • It’s always easier to make a negative point than to make a positive difference.
    • We must believe in the potential of all people – We show this by not only expressing our belief, but also equipping and challenging them.
    • The eagle and the hippopotamus – We tend to judge others by their actions, but judge ourselves based on our intentions:  Said differently

When the other person takes a long time, he’s slow

When I take a long time, I’m thorough.

When the other person doesn’t do it, he’s lazy.

When I don’t do it, I’m busy.

When the other person doesn’t follow the rules, he’s rude.

When I don’t follow the rules, I’m original.

When the other person gets ahead, he gets the lucky breaks.

When I manage to get ahead, I’m smart and hardworking.

I bet you can guess which perspective is the hippo and which is the eagle.  Which are you most often?

  • Confident humility – We all need to move toward this.  Confident Humility is being secure enough in your expertise and strengths to admit your ignorance and weaknesses
  • High road leadership is an uphill climb – Maxwell talked directly to  me when he said that most of us have uphill hopes, but downhill habits and encourages us to stop doing what’s easy
  • Complacency is the Success Disease – it takes root when you’re feeling good about who you are and what you have achieved.

There is so much more that I have to share from this book in future editions of the Brew.  It was chocked full of wisdom and challenge for us to close the gap in our own and, as a result, our world’s leadership.

Go on a journey with me.  In a couple weeks, I will start the review of the companion book to this book which is co-authored by Maxwell and Chris Hodges titled “Jesus was a High Road Leader.”  Get your copy today and let’s walk through it together!

Quote of the week:   

“Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in this world but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou

What You Need to Do:

Call to Action:  Are you ready to embrace the power of 5? Share your goals and strategies in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to achieve greatness!

It’s an honor to be your trusted “Friday Coffee Guy”.  Each week, I’m excited to provide yet another round of curated content that I’ve been reading, listening to, watching, or thinking over. The purpose of the Champions Brew is to inspire, equip and encourage you to become the uncommon leader you were designed to be. I am so grateful for your decision to invest a few moments with me! I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Champions Brew. If you did, I would appreciate it if you would share it with someone who might enjoy it as well and ask them to subscribe! I will make sure they automatically get this email every week.

Until next time, Go and Grow Champions!

P.S. – Are you a podcast fan?  Maybe the Uncommon Leader podcast is for you.    Are you interested in being a guest on the Uncommon Leader Podcast?  Do you have a story to tell?  Email me [email protected] and let’s have a chat and set something up!!


Get my tips directly now! Ready to start?

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To become Champion leader, we have to be on a continuous improvement journey for ourselves and others.  We have to be able to take advantage of the precious seconds that we have each day.  
There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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