Your Champions Brew for Friday, February 18, 2022

The Champion’s Brew is a weekly assembly of material I am reading, listening to, watching, or thinking about that is designed to equip and call you to uncommon leadership.  I often add my own little spin based on my takeaways and would love your input as well.  Any of the points especially impact you?  Drop me a note at [email protected], or comment on the blog to keep the conversation going!  I believe you will discover that the format is not only useful, but also that you can consume it within the time it takes you to enjoy your daily ‘brew’!  Become a member of the Champions Brew Nation by subscribing here!!

Here is your weekly drink of what I have been reading, listening to or watching to equip  me to:

  • Be an Encourager and Love always:  Last Saturday I was ‘reminded’ twice that I need to write more.  Do you ever get the feeling that someone is talking to you?  I received an email from Andy Andrews who proclaimed that it was National Send a Card to a Friend Week.  Then, I read the John Maxwell Daily Reader as part of my morning ritual and the title of that day’s reading was “Write a Note of Encouragement.”  No doubt someone was talking to me.  Are you a card writer? When I receive a handwritten card in the mail, I so appreciate that the person who sent it took the time to think of me.

Have you really stopped to think about the power of a handwritten note in the lives of others?  I am not talking about an email or a text message.  I am talking about a ball point pen, a note card, and a stamp.  A handwritten note might spark a wonderful career.  Maxwell’s post told a story of the 19th century poet Walt Whitman who was struggling to get people to notice his poetry when he received a note that said “Dear sir.  I am not blind to the wonderful gift of Leaves of Grass.  I find it the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed.  I greet you at the beginning of a great career.”  It was signed by Walt Whitman

So, here are the resources you need:

  • Pen – $0.16
  • Note card – $0.33
  • Stamp – $0.58
  • 5 minutes of your time – priceless!

Why is it so difficult to take the two to three minutes necessary to hand write a note to someone and let them know you care? I admit, I am guilty of the email/text message excuse! But, a personal note….with a REAL STAMP (not a machine stamp!)…now that can have  a lasting impact. I am willing to bet that you all have handwritten notes you received from someone that when you find them in the drawer, you read them again, and it brings a smile to your face.

The power in the ‘tip’ of a ball point pen has the potential to leave a seismic impact.

  • Quote: “Written encouragement comes directly from the heart, uninterrupted and uninhibited.  That’s why it is so powerful.”  – David Jeremiah

What you need to do:

Call to Action:  So, are you willing to INVEST $1.07 to change someone’s world?! Who has had an impact on your life? Let them know. This week’s Brew was only one item so I am giving you a few minutes back as you finish your coffee.  WRITE them an encouraging note…. Today… now.

Let’s continue the conversation.  Email me at [email protected] or comment on the blog.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Champions Brew. If you enjoyed it, I would appreciate it if you would share it with a friend who might enjoy it as well and ask them to subscribe! I will make sure they automatically get this email every week.

Until next time, go and Grow Champions!


2 Responses

  1. John, I had a college professor ridicule me once after I sent him a handwritten note of thanks. (During my business career) I am glad I didn’t listen to him… I kept sending the cards to colleagues. Throughout my career I sent many notes (handwritten) to colleagues for various things. Over the years many of them told me they kept the card and took a look at it from time to time. Each person told me how much it meant to them to get something handwritten and of course heart felt. So, to that college professor from a university in the city of Portland, thanks for the challenge to my note of thanks to you… you inadvertently challenged me, and I stuck with something that I knew was the right thing to do.

    1. Keith, I am glad you chose not to listen as well. I could go on and on about the value of the ‘care card’ and stories I have been told about how much it means to the receiver AND the writer!! John

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There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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