Welcome back uncommon leader podcast, nation. You are about to hear a special conversation with another Uncommon leader who was very close to me. My guest on the Uncommon Leader Podcast is my brother, Michael Gallagher. Michael is a middle school math teacher, a basketball official and coach, and owner of Gthreenc, a custom silk screening business in North Carolina. He's also a husband and father. And did I say he was a leader? He is that as well.
March Madness is one of our favorite times a year. He and I are passionate about the sport and often text and chat for hours to evaluate our favorite basketball teams during the game. We often think along the same lines from a basketball perspective, and we do the same from a leadership perspective as well. In this episode, Michael and I discussed Four (4) leadership lessons he has connected to his career in basketball. Pay close attention to his personal story as well. It's powerful and will definitely impact you. My friends, this podcast is a slam dunk!!