The Uncommon Leader Podcast

Season 2 Episode 2 – Joseph Gallagher – “Trial Built Character”

Features Guest: John Doe

Welcome back, Uncommon Leader Podcast nation!   I promised this season you would hear from seasoned professionals and leaders, but also from some leaders just starting on their development journey.  My guest today on the Uncommon Leader Podcast is none other than my son, Joseph, aka Jo-Jo Gallagher.   Joseph is a recent graduate of Liberty University with a degree in Youth Ministry.  Upon graduation, Joseph made the courageous and thoughtful decision to move to Boulder, CO, where he has started his life and ministry.  

Joseph’s story is on that speaks loudly of the discovery and commitment to a purpose driven life centered around what he calls “Trial Build Character”.  

I don’t think there is any doubt that all leaders, young and older, will learn and grow from Joseph’s story.  

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To become Champion leader, we have to be on a continuous improvement journey for ourselves and others.  We have to be able to take advantage of the precious seconds that we have each day.  
There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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