From Garden to Greatness: Cultivate Your Leadership Journey – Your Champions Brew

You will never always be motivated.  You have to learn to be disciplined.

Happy Friday, Brew Nation!

Grab your favorite coffee cup and get ready to embark on a transformative journey. The Champions Brew Newsletter is here to invigorate your mornings and ignite your drive for personal growth and impact!  Fuel your mornings with motivation and purpose. As you savor your first cup of the day, let the Champions Brew infuse you with the insights and strategies you need to make each day a stepping stone towards your aspirations. Let’s Go!

  • Uncommon Leader Insights – Throughout our journeys, we encounter moments that challenge our goals and mindset.  In a recent episode of the Uncommon Leader Podcast, I had the opportunity to chat with best-selling author Penny Zenker and here are three key takeaways I had from our conversation:
  1. Goals Require Clarity –  Some is not a number and soon is not a time is something I often say when responding to vague goals like “I need to start exercising soon” or “I need to read more”.  Penny Zenker emphasized the paramount importance of knowing the right goals. Pursuing the wrong objectives can lead us astray, regardless of our effort. Gaining clarity and being aware of what truly matters enables us to align our actions effectively. Take a moment to step back and assess your current goals. Are they leading you towards your ultimate vision, or is it time for a reset? Penny’s advice here is simple yet profound: continuous reassessment is the key to sustainable success.
  2. Goals Require Reassessment – A regular review of your progress toward goals is imperative.  If habits you are working to implement are not moving you toward your desired outcome, be careful not to continue down that path just for the sake of being consistent.  It starts with stepping back, gaining perspective, and realigning efforts. This “dynamic reassessment” approach is essential, whether you’re handling emotions, making decisions, or seeking solutions.
  3. Goals Require Intentionality – Intention without discipline leads to excuses – Intention with discipline leads to excellence.  Cultivating a reset mindset isn’t an overnight change; it’s about building a habit of seizing smaller moments to reset. Penny underscored the importance of being intentional in personal and professional growth. By fostering a proactive environment that encourages these moments, you pave the path for greater success. Start with small steps.

By internalizing these insights, you can transform your approach to growth. It’s not merely about change but about being intentional, disciplined, and agile in how we reset and realign our goals and actions. As you reflect on these takeaways, consider how you can implement them in your life and work, fostering a mindset that welcomes resets for continuous improvement.

You can also catch the entire conversation I had with Penny here.  While you are there, go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube page so that you can receive new episodes when they come out each week and share the episode with someone you think of while listening.

  • Exercise Daily –  If you’re striving for personal and professional growth, think of it like nurturing a garden. Consistent daily habits act as the water and sunlight that fuel your progress, transforming small steps into substantial growth over time. My recent guest appearance on the Breaking Chains podcast with Christine Jewell made me reflect on some of the fundamental lessons and principles that help me and others flourish, even amidst challenges.
  1. Everybody Needs Discipline – Leadership and personal growth require daily attention. On the podcast, I discussed the critical importance of getting out of bed with purpose every day. Christine and I echoed the sentiment that without daily disciplines, it’s easy to stagnate. I introduced the 7-step methodology—decision, diagnostic, dashboard, design, discipline, dwell, and do it again that helps to streamline those efforts. Just as you cannot let a garden go unwatered, you can’t neglect these steps if you wish to see continued progress.
  2. Everybody Needs a Coach – I also discussed the irreplaceable value of mentorship in one’s growth journey. Drawing inspiration from John Maxwell’s teachings, I highlighted how mentoring can significantly impact personal and professional development. Seeking guidance isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a pivotal step towards achieving excellence. Both of us shared stories about the mentors who’ve helped us, reinforcing the notion that surrounding yourself with people who challenge and elevate you makes a world of difference. If you’re serious about growth, get a coach, join a mastermind, and find mentors who can help you navigate your journey.
  3. Everybody Needs Intentionality – Throughout the conversation, the theme of intentionality kept emerging. Excellence happens on purpose, not by serendipity. I discussed how intentions must be deployed through action, which is particularly resonant in times of change and adversity. 

For anyone looking to breakthrough complacency and foster purposeful growth, take these insights to heart. Tend to your personal and professional habits daily, seek out mentors, and act intentionally aligned with your faith and goals. Your garden of growth will surely flourish.  If you’re curious to learn more about the “7 Steps for Personal and Professional Development”, set up a free call with me. Together, we can work towards impacting lives positively and achieving uncommon excellence.

  • Think Positively – This week, I worked with a group of leaders using the Keep, Start, Stop tool to identify actions that would propel them towards their 2025 goals. Surprisingly, two individuals independently expressed a desire to “stop settling for mediocrity”. Imagine the possibilities if we all made this decision. The first step to personal transformation is a decision – conscious choice—one that ignites an internal desire to change and sets you on the path to uncommon achievement. This choice likely requires embracing the discomfort of change over the displeasure of remaining the same.

I was inspired by my clients’ determination to break free from the allure of the status quo. Remember, the status quo isn’t about having a negative attitude; it’s about a lack of willingness to be different and take risks. Leaders who love the status quo soon become followers. As Raymond Smith of Bell Atlantic Corporation once said, “Playing it safe, doing your job, and avoiding waves might not get you fired, but it won’t do much for your career, company, or impact in the long run.”

Leaders are never content with mediocrity. Let’s commit to breaking free from this mindset and striving for uncommon results

  • Quote of the week:   

“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy.  I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.” Art Williams

Call to Action:  Ready to take your leadership to the next level? Implement one of the above strategies to break free from mediocrity, set intentional goals, and cultivate a growth mindset.

Schedule a free consultation today and let’s work together to achieve your uncommon goals.

It’s an honor to be your trusted “Friday Coffee Guy”.  Each week, I’m excited to provide yet another round of curated content that I’ve been reading, listening to, watching, or thinking over. The purpose of the Champions Brew is to inspire, equip and encourage you to become the uncommon leader you were designed to be. I am so grateful for your decision to invest a few moments with me! I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Champions Brew. If you did, I would appreciate it if you would share it with someone who might enjoy it as well and ask them to subscribe! I will make sure they automatically get this email every week.

Until next time, Go and Grow Champions!

P.S. – Are you a podcast fan?  Maybe the Uncommon Leader podcast is for you.    Are you interested in being a guest on the Uncommon Leader Podcast?  Do you have a story to tell?  Email me [email protected] and let’s have a chat and set something up!!


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To become Champion leader, we have to be on a continuous improvement journey for ourselves and others.  We have to be able to take advantage of the precious seconds that we have each day.  
There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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