Pour a cup of your favorite brew and enjoy the Champion’s Brew newsletter #2

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Welcome back to the Champions Brew!  It’s a weekly pick-me-up designed to equip you and call you to uncommon leadership…all in the time that you enjoy a cup of brew!!
  • Here is your weekly summary of what I have been reading and experimenting with to help me to: 

    • Eat Healthy:  A resource I follow on Instagram and Twitter is the EatThisNotThat account.  They bring some insightful quick articles on ‘Lists’ of items to help you eat healthy.  Some of them are fun and one I read recently was quite good on “25 Ways to save 250 calories”.  Two that have helped me dramatically have been to Ditch the Bun on the burgers, and “Break Up with the Bread Basket”.  There are some I could also do better, but these have been helpful on my nutrition journey.


    • Think Positively: Baseball season is into full swing.  My Pirates have already been mathematically eliminated (just kidding, but likely!).   I came across this video of a youngster who was going to be “The greatest hitter in the world.”  My nephew recently started playing t-ball so it struck me a bit.  When I posted on Facebook, my brother followed up with the video of the song.  Watch one or both of these and tell me they don’t make you change your perspective(or even bring a tear to your eye!).  Any lasting change will start with a change in mindset.  Our thoughts will drive our actions and our actions will determine the level of change we can achieve.


    • Read More: How about a quote that hit me this week?


    “Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Willing is not enough; we must do.”
    – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    I have become much better with my reading routine recently.  I have three books going right now and have set a goal to read 12 this year.  But, at some point, I must also act.  I must apply those things that I am learning, or all that knowledge is just information that I store.  It can’t add value to myself or others until I DO something!

    What You Need to DO:

    Question to ponder:  What is one thing I can DO this week to change my mindset and become “The greatest leader(pitcher) in the world”? 

    If you enjoyed the Champion’s Brew, I encourage you to share it with your friends.   Also, feel free to leave me a comment on what you read.  Got anything you want to see different in the Champions Brew, let me know.

    Until next time, go and Grow Champions!

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To become Champion leader, we have to be on a continuous improvement journey for ourselves and others.  We have to be able to take advantage of the precious seconds that we have each day.  
There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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