Unlock Consistency in Relationships and Habits – Your Champions Brew

“Life is Relationships.  The rest is just details.” – Stan Buck

Happy Friday, Brew Nation!  I am hoping that you had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July holiday.

Grab your favorite coffee cup and get ready to embark on a transformative journey. The Champions Brew Newsletter is here to invigorate your mornings and ignite your drive for personal growth and impact!  Fuel your mornings with motivation and purpose. As you savor your first cup of the day, let the Champions Brew infuse you with the insights and strategies you need to make each day a stepping stone towards your aspirations. Let’s Go!

  • Uncommon Leader Insights – In a recent episode of The Uncommon Leader Podcast, I had the pleasure of hosting Christine and Tom Carmazzi, who shared powerful insights from their upcoming book, I Love You More Than. Here are three key takeaways that resonated with me:
    • Be Intentional – Tom initiated daily email communication with Christine during a challenging period.  This act of intentionality evolved into a consistent and meaningful dialogue, fostering an uncommon bond. Tom’s emails, starting with a quote and followed by personal reflections, created a space for open and respectful conversation, demonstrating that intentional communication is foundational for strong connections.
    • Be Present – Christine shared poignant stories from her childhood that underscore the importance of being present. At age six, she learned accountability in a situation that required her full awareness and decision-making skills. At eighteen, a pivotal decision during a backpacking trip highlighted the impact of presence in crucial moments. These stories remind us that presence is not just physical but emotional and mental. Being fully present allows us not just to communicate but to connect with others.
    • Be Prepared – Christine revealed how her father had sent her an emergency envelope containing a map and cash. This gesture was not only practical but also deeply comforting, illustrating Tom’s foresight and care. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of practical preparedness in our relationships. Having tangible resources and plans in place, coupled with the emotional reassurance that someone cares, can make a significant difference in moments of uncertainty.

“Life is Relationships.  The rest is just details”.  I still remember hearing this quote some 20+ years ago from my friend and mentor, Pastor Stan Buck as a title to one of his sermons.  He went on to describe how the details were important to building those relationships.  Being intentional, present and prepared are three ways you can turn a common practice such as sending a weekly email into an uncommon bond. You can catch the entire conversation I had with Tom & Christine here.

  • ‘Exercise’ Daily – A voice that has resonated powerfully to me in my personal development journey is  Craig Groeschel. One concept that Groeschel emphasizes is the transformative power of consistency:

“It’s not what we do occasionally that makes a difference. It’s what we do consistently that matters.” – Craig Groeschel

Groeschel recently highlighted three valuable tips to improve consistency on his leadership podcast, with the first tip capturing my attention: “start with why”.  Studies show that many New Year’s resolutions, despite initial fervor, often fizzle out by January 19. The underlying reason? These resolutions are often driven by desire rather than devotion. While desires may feel strong, they tend to be shallow and fleeting. On the other hand, devotion to a compelling why goes beyond momentary motivation and anchors us in a deeper purpose. Without a strong and meaningful why, it becomes challenging to stay consistent in our pursuits.

The concept of starting with why finds resonance not only in contemporary wisdom but also in ancient wisdom, expressed through the writings of Paul in the Bible. Paul, famous for his practical guidance on living a Godly life, consistently emphasized the importance of understanding the “so that” (aka, Why!) behind our actions. For instance, in Ephesians 6:13, Paul urges us to “Put on the full armor of God”. However, he doesn’t stop there; he provides the why: “so that you may be able to stand your ground.” As we navigate our own journey towards consistency, we can draw inspiration from Paul’s encouragement to define our “so that.” This process requires introspection, prayer, and a genuine desire to align our actions with our values and purpose. Defining our “so that” becomes a transformative practice, one that enables us to overcome challenges and remain steadfast on our path to growth and personal fulfillment.

Read Craig Groeschel’s full podcast summary here to explore his two additional tips for cultivating consistency.

  • Read More Here we go.  We are traveling together on a journey with an inspiring speaker, and author, Ed Mylett, and his book “The Power of One More – The Ultimate Guide to Success and Happiness”.  As an avid listener of Mylett’s podcast, I’m thrilled to revisit this great book that holds a special place in my Top Ten influential reads. Join me as we uncover wisdom within its pages.

Chapter Thirteen – “One More Multiplier”

In this chapter, Mylett unveils a truth that resonates in both business and personal relationships: when you attract the right person who complements and uplifts your natural state, the combined impact surpasses the individual contributions. While greatness can exist in isolation, wise leaders understand that the pinnacle of achievement is reached when collaboration occurs.

As I immersed myself in these pages, I couldn’t help but draw parallels to John Maxwell’s concept of the ‘Lid Lifter’.  Within a team, a lid lifter is someone who others love to be around because they know that something extraordinary will unfold. Maxwell distinguishes two types of individuals: those who lift others up and those who lean on others. Over time, the “leaner” tends to burden the group, while the lid lifter becomes a catalyst for growth. It’s important to note that being a lid lifter or multiplier is a choice. When people see you approaching, do their faces light up with a smile? If so, you’re likely a lifter. Do they turn away or hesitate? Then it might be time to reflect on your leadership style. A lifter takes the lead with a genuine smile, offering encouragement and appreciation and as a result, people are naturally drawn to this person.

One notable example of a multiplier, as outlined by Mylett, is the legendary Tom Brady. Now, as a die-hard Steelers fan, it pains me to admit it, but Brady exemplifies the essence of a One More Multiplier. In 2020, he joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, a team that had recently concluded yet another disappointing season. However, Brady brought with him a mindset that elevated the entire team to perform at their absolute best. He attracted talent, transformed the team’s fortunes, and propelled them from a losing season to Super Bowl champions in 2021. Brady’s influence on his teammates was intense, showcasing the impact a lid lifter can have on a collective effort.

This chapter reinforces the significance of surrounding ourselves with lid lifters—individuals who elevate our potential, encourage our growth, and bring out the best in us. As leaders, we must strive to become lid lifters ourselves, embracing the choice to lift others up and create an environment where uncommon can flourish.

Next week: One More Inconvenience

Quote of the week:   “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” – Lewis Carroll (taken from one of the many Quotes of the Day outlined in I Love You More Than by Tom & Christine Carmazzi)

Call to Action: In the pursuit of consistency, the power of starting with why cannot be overstated. Craig Groeschel’s insights, complemented by the wisdom of Paul, remind us of the significance of understanding our “so that” – the deeper purpose that propels our actions. So, when struggling with consistency, check your  “so that,”.  Does it compel you to action?

It’s an honor to be your trusted “Friday Coffee Guy”.  Each week, I’m excited to provide yet another round of curated content that I’ve been reading, listening to, watching, or thinking over. The purpose of the Champions Brew is to inspire, equip and encourage you to become the uncommon leader you were designed to be. I am so grateful for your decision to invest a few moments with me! I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Champions Brew. If you did, I would appreciate it if you would share it with someone who might enjoy it as well and ask them to subscribe! I will make sure they automatically get this email every week.

Until next time, Go and Grow Champions!

P.S. – Are you a podcast fan?  Maybe the Uncommon Leader podcast is for you.    Are you interested in being a guest on the Uncommon Leader Podcast?  Do you have a story to tell?  Email me [email protected] and let’s have a chat and set something up!!

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To become Champion leader, we have to be on a continuous improvement journey for ourselves and others.  We have to be able to take advantage of the precious seconds that we have each day.  
There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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