Your Champions Brew for Friday, June 3, 2022

The Champion’s Brew is a weekly assembly of material I am reading, listening to, watching, or thinking about that is designed to equip and call you to uncommon leadership.  I often add my own little spin based on my takeaways and would love your input as well.  Any of the points especially impact you?  Drop me a note at [email protected], or comment on the blog to keep the conversation going!  I believe you will discover that the format is not only useful, but also that you can consume it within the time it takes you to enjoy your daily ‘brew’!  Become a member of the Champions Brew Nation by subscribing here!!

Here is your weekly sip of what I have been reading, listening to or watching to equip me to:

  • Be Coachable – Are you coachable?  The NBA Finals started this week.  I am a competitor.  I am a basketball fan.  I must admit, the ‘Big Three’ I followed the most, though, were Bird – McHale – Parish for the Celtics in the 1980’s.  The guys that play that sport are amazing athletes.  To continue to get better and make it to the top whether you are an NBA star, a CEO or president, a teacher, a parent, a friend, a brother…we all must commit to a personal growth journey.  To do that, we must be coachable.  Without being coachable, leaders face the following potential pitfalls:
    • Contentment with the status quo
    • Pride
    • Resting on past laurels
    • Stagnation

If you want to grow yourself, your team or organization, you must remain coachable.

  Are you coachable?  Ask yourself if you exhibit these traits:

  • Humility: Are you able to admit what you don’t know or can’t do?
  • Commitment: When working on a difficult task, do you demonstrate perseverance and grit?
  • Self-Awareness: Do you recognize how their actions impact others?
  • Willingness to Learn: Are you naturally curious and inquisitive?
  • Vulnerability: Are you able to be open and trust others?
  • Open to feedback: Do you respond to feedback as criticism or are you appreciative?
  • Be Happy – Three things from Ed Mylett that you can do daily to protect your peace:
    • Look for joy in small things – For me, that first cup of fresh coffee in the morning is a simple joy!
    • Have humility – The moment you believe you know it all is the moment you have stopped your growth.  You don’t know everything.  Keep learning and growing (aka, Be Coachable!)
    • Avoid comparison – Unhappiness happens when we compare our situation to someone else’s life.  Live your best life now!
  • Eat well – One of the successful points I hit on my personal fitness/health transformation was when I learned about ‘macronutrients’.  Macronutrients supply the body with calories.  Macronutrients are listed on the nutrition facts of most foods.  They are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.  Knowing good sources of these macronutrients are important to fuel your body correctly.  Here are some good sources of each:
    • Proteins – Chicken, lean beef, shrimp, protein powder, egg whites
    • Carbohydrates – Berries, vegetables (not fried!), potatoes (#saynotofrenchfries), Oats
    • Fat – Nuts, olives, chia seeds, nut butter, avocados

For more information on macronutrients, click here for an article from Precision Nutrition

  • Quote – “My best skill was that I was coachable.  I was a sponge and aggressive to learn.” – Michael Jordan

What you need to do:

Call to Action:  Are you Coachable?  Commit to being coachable today.  You don’t know everything.  What is one step you can take this week to adapt one of the coachable traits described above – Humility, Commitment, Self-awareness, vulnerability, open to feedback?

I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Champions Brew. If you did, I would appreciate it if you would share it with someone who might enjoy it as well and ask them to subscribe! I will make sure they automatically get this email every week.

Until next time, go and Grow Champions!

P.S. – Are you a podcast fan?  Maybe the Uncommon Leader podcast is for you.    Are you interested in being a guest on the Uncommon Leader Podcast?  Do you have a story to tell?  Email me [email protected] and let’s have a chat and set something up!!

One Response

  1. Coachable… what a powerful concept. Those that want to develop in any area must follow the counsel that you have pointed out. I agree with everything that has been offered. My addition to the list is that becoming coachable will also help you overcome fear and gain confidence in so many areas. Each of us will discover that we are more capable and powerful as we learn and grow. Thanks for the reminders John.

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To become Champion leader, we have to be on a continuous improvement journey for ourselves and others.  We have to be able to take advantage of the precious seconds that we have each day.  
There are things that I come across each week that help me, inspire me, relax me, motivate me, and are sometimes are just funny that I want to share with you so that you can smile more, build faith, think positively, network well, exercise often, eat healthy, and grow daily.

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